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Success Stories

Cyber Defense Group is revolutionizing the cybersecurity consulting paradigm, empowering clients to take charge and thrive through innovative cybersecurity solutions.

Customer Success Stories

Discover Cyber Defense Group’s cybersecurity customer success stories. Offering insights into our comprehensive approach to cybersecurity programs and how we can help your business achieve similar results.

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What our clients are saying

They do a great job of presenting best security practices in an approachable way to all stakeholders.

Scott Sperling

Director of Engineering

The virtual CISO model brings us more benefit as a cloud-native company vs. hiring a full time CISO as we know we have the Cyber Defense Group team behind us, not just one individual.

Simon Lamprell

Director of Information & Security

Cyber Defense Group cybersecurity consulting for all industries.

Who we serve


Healthcare institutions have a large and complex attack surface, making them a highly attractive target for financially motivated cyberattackers. With vast expertise in data privacy and Secure Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) engineering, Cyber Defense Group can help you ensure the security of your organization’s protected health information (PHI), mitigate risks, and enhance your cybersecurity posture to keep your organization resilient in the face of evolving threats.

Healthcare Data Sheet


As a retailer, protecting your customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) is crucial to safeguarding your business from the costly consequences of a data breach. With the average cost of a single breach standing at $3.27 million, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your digital ecosystem is secure. At Cyber Defense Group, we provide expert analysis, advanced engineering support, and comprehensive guidance to help you create a secure and digitally resilient environment, so you can protect your business while keeping your customers’ personal information safe.

Retail Data Sheet

Media and entertainment

The entertainment industry is particularly vulnerable to specific types of cyberthreats, including intellectual property theft and identity theft, among others. Cybercriminals often exploit outdated or inadequate infrastructure to gain access to sensitive data and compromise security. With advanced expertise in the industry and the latest tools and technologies available, Cyber Defense Group’s team of cybersecurity pros can help you create customized cybersecurity strategies that align with your unique needs, requirements, and IT environment to ensure your data is secure and your business is protected.

Media Data Sheet


The rapidly evolving and intricate compliance regulations faced by the financial services industry are particularly daunting — more so than in other industries. And for mid-market institutions, ensuring third-party compliance can quickly become overwhelming. Cyber Defense Group offers comprehensive security risk and compliance assessments, along with world-class security programs, to safeguard your customers’ valuable data and maintain their trust while also inspiring confidence in external parties to do business with you.

Finance Data Sheet


Ensuring client confidentiality and case security in digital settings, complying with data protection laws, reducing discovery risks, guarding against cyber threats, enabling secure collaboration, countering insider threats, maintaining digital evidence integrity, and educating legal staff on cybersecurity in a digital environment.

Legal Data Sheet